Wednesday, January 7, 2015

A recovery plan for the ground parrot in Western Australia

Following an unpublished research plan (Cale,P., and Burbidge, A.H. (1993): Research Plan for the Western Ground Parrot, Western Whipbird and Western Bristlebird. Unpublished report to ANPWS Endangered Species Unit, Canberra.), an Interim Recovery Plan was produced by the Western Australian Department responsible for acting to conserve the State's fauna.

Burbidge, A.H., Blyth, J., Danks, A., Gillen, K., and Newbey, B.(1997) Western Ground Parrot Interim Recovery Plan 1996-1999 (Department of Conservation and Land Management, Interim Recovery Plan No. 6. Perth.)

Below is an extract from Recovery Plan No. 6. It shows the lack of good information on parrot numbers due to changes such as fire and new records. Although Cape Arid National Park is listed as a ground parrot location, no birds had been recorded there since 1989.

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